Standard Business Reporting
SBR is a large whole of government program that determined the XBRL business reporting language would be ideal for reducing burden on business enterprises.
A key feature of the SBR Taxonomy and Information interoperability architecture is that it is technology agnostic and can be deployed to various delivery technologies. The SBR XBRL taxonomy architecture and implementation is now well regarded across the world.
Canonical Solutions performed various assignments within the Standard Business Reporting Program. Canonical Solutions played a significant role in the design and development of all SBR, architecture, capability design and the business functions required to support the SBR program. Canonical Solutions architected, designed and documented the SBR Blueprint for the “Core Services” platform and then worked with IBM on the detailed business requirements, design and architecture for delivery. Canonical Solutions led the design and development of the SBR taxonomy architecture using XBRL.
Canonical Solutions was integral to the development of the necessary process, procedures and tooling required to manage and develop the SBR Taxonomy. This includes Taxonomy Management, electronic report development, documentation and explanation of the method and process steps to enable the government agencies and software vendors to design and exchange messages electronically.
Canonical Solutions recognised early that a program the size of SBR could not manage the SBR taxonomy without the support of automation tools. Canonical Solutions architected, designed and contributed to the development of the SBR Automation Facility. The SBR Automation facility provides a way to harmonise and manage data across the participating government agencies into the SBR taxonomy or canonical model. The Automation Facility also provides the ability to model the individual messages from the taxonomy and generate the XBRL schema and linkbases.
Canonical Solutions travelled Australia working with various government agencies assisting with the Agency requirement analysis implementation using the SBR “core services” platform. Canonical Solutions also provided the business process modelling methods and support for the agency electronic message exchanges.
Canonical Solutions visited various software developers and explained the SBR platform architecture as well as the SBR taxonomy architecture.
Canonical Solutions professionals represented SBR on international conferences and provided various presentations and discussions with both international and Australian SBR organisations on the best practices and implementation difficulties.